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I'm Samesh 👋
Founder of Spokk and here's my story
Founder of Spokk and here's my story
My journey with Spokk started when I admitted my mom to a reputed hospital in Sri Lanka for routine tests. The experience was dismal; forgotten medicine, long waits, and overall poor service.
This is a feeling everyone of us has gone through at least once in life. A horrible customer experience makes us cut off that business forever, even tell our friends about it too.
Our first instinct would be to leave a 1 star Google review, but only a handful of people do this, and this does not solve the problem. A majority of people with average experiences would just go to a competitor the next time.
The worse part was that the management of the hospital would never know what happened. The only way to give feedback was through a handwritten form. This meant no video, no photos and no way of receiving a reply (if they even get the paper in the first place).
I decided to build something to give companies a chance to improve. If you, as a customer have a bad experience, this should go straight to the company, as fast as possible. This, I believe is what Spokk will do for you.