UI Design / UX Design

Tips & Tricks to Build a Fantastic UI for your Web or Mobile App

Tips & Tricks to Build a Fantastic UI for your Web or Mobile App


Designing effective user interfaces for digital products or services (websites, apps, and software) can be challenging. It's about more than just making it visually attractive and on-brand. It should also be usable and intuitive.

Focus on user experience first. Know content hierarchy, layout/grids, typography, and color theory. Designers will have different approaches, but universal tips exist to create excellent user interfaces.

Design Principles

Designing a user interface? Keep these fundamental principles in mind for success. It will create a clear, uncluttered interface that users respond to positively.

  • Balance: Achieve harmony between elements with symmetrical or proportional arrangements.
  • Contrast: Use size, color, textures, and more to make the interface stand out.
  • Consistency: Reuse design elements like styling, typography, shapes, and backgrounds.
  • Focus & Hierarchy: Guide the user's eye toward key actions and info with large fonts and contrasting colors & textures.
  • User-Friendly experience: Consider user expectations from experienced and novice users. Make actions intuitively understandable by anyone.

Visual Design

Visual design is essential for a fantastic user interface. It gives a look and feels that reflects your brand and attractively explains the app's purpose.

Here are 10 tips to follow when designing your interface:

  1. Visual hierarchy: Contrast to ensure essential elements stand out and help users understand the page's structure.
  2. Color palette: Choose colors that add interest and emphasize particular elements.
  3. Fonts: Try different fonts for a unique style and legibility across devices.
  4. Icons: Select icons carefully to guide users and ensure clarity.
  5. Imagery: Include visuals like illustrations or photographs to tell your story pleasingly while being consistent.
  6. Animation: Animations are great for feedback or attention, but don't go overboard!
  7. Space: Use white space to improve readability, speed up comprehension, separate complex content, and lead users without overwhelming them. 8: Responsiveness: When developing a desktop-first responsive web page, ensure components quickly scale on all devices without affecting usability or visuals. 9: Load time: Optimize assets for a fast response regardless of connection speed or device. 10: Accessibility: Consider accessibility standards early on. Testing should show how easy it is for people with disabilities to interact with components.


Navigation is key. Make sure users find what they need quickly and intuitively.

Here are 5 tips to optimize your navigation:

  1. Consistency is critical. Stick to familiar menu and button conventions, so users understand.
  2. Keep menu labels concise and descriptive, with one word per section.
  3. Use prototypes or wireframes to map out user flow. This will help find issues early.
  4. Include visual cues like drop-down menus and highlighted links. Plus, use back buttons and 'breadcrumb' trails.
  5. Design navigation that is self-explanatory and requires minimal effort. Use conventions users don't have to think twice about.

Interaction Design

Interaction design is about how people control and interact with digital products. This includes physical buttons, switches, sliders, touch-screen computers, motion-sensing, and voice-activated devices. It's essential to create an intuitive user experience.

Here are 10 tips to improve your user interaction design:

  1. Map the User Journey: Plan users' paths with your product.
  2. Test with Users: Incorporate user testing. Watch users interact with your product.
  3. Make it Accessible: Ensure people with disabilities can use your product.
  4. Consistency: Make certain elements look, feel and behave the same.
  5. Feedback: Use animations and sound effects to give feedback.
  6. Message Hierarchy: Label buttons and messages in order of importance.
  7. Cues and Signifiers: Use icons and pictograms to indicate actions.
  8. Animations and States: Use animations and states to show performance.
  9. Contextual Menus: Provide explanatory real estate for contextual menus and links.
  10. Gesture-Based Interaction: Try gesture recognition for tactile, fumble-free interfaces.

Usability Testing

Usability testing can help you see how users use your product. Test a prototype and use the feedback to shape the user interface. Test a combination of observations and interviews. Observe patterns of user movement and interaction with features. Interviews help find complex usability issues and identify user needs.

Variables include time limits, task instructions, application perspective, difficulty level, interruption patterns, comprehension issues, navigation similarities, etc. This help determines if the design works appropriately for users in different scenarios.

Review data after the test and make changes to improve user experience. Usability tests are essential when making kickass products!

Mobile Considerations

Mobile phones and tablets are becoming popular for digital media. So, you must consider how your user interface will work on mobile devices.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Make buttons and actions larger for small device screens.
  • Use less text, as small screens make it hard to read long messages.
  • Let users scroll through detailed info without zooming in.
  • Design a simple page with fewer graphics for faster loading.
  • Consider how your UI appears connected or disconnected from Wi-Fi, 4G/5G, or EDGE.
  • Test different resolutions and orientations of your UI before releasing. This helps users have the best experience, no matter the device.


As a UI designer, your key role is to craft an engaging interface that users enjoy. It all starts with understanding your user base! After that, consider design constraints and involve usability testing at various stages. Remember, one size never fits all when it comes to interfaces.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are essential tips for building a fantastic user interface?

The most essential tips for building a kick-ass user interface are 1. Keep It Simple, 2. Use Consistent Design Patterns, 3. Embrace White Space, 4. Focus on Typography, 5. Make It Accessible, 6. Test, Test, Test, 7. Consider Responsiveness, 8. Think About Performance, 9. Leverage Color, and 10. Be Intentional With Animation.

How can I test my user interface?

Testing your user interface is essential in the development process. You can use tools like user testing, surveys, or A/B testing to see how users interact with your interface. Additionally, you can use analytics tools to monitor user behavior and track how they interact with your interface.

How can I make my user interface more accessible?

Making your user interface more accessible is essential for creating a great user experience. You can use techniques like adding alt tags, using ARIA labels, and providing keyboard navigation to make your interface more accessible. Additionally, you can also use accessibility checking tools to make sure you're meeting the standards.

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